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 -Here it is, my real Gm app.

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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 9:14 pm

1. What is your real name ?
Petter Wastesson
aka. Vaste or as all you know me, PurpleAim @ games.

2. How old are you ?

Im holy 21 years old.

3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST )

Central Europe time. So im on even when you guys aint, ummkey!?

4. What's your main character name? What position are you applying for?

My Main Char is PurpleAim ofc.
And Im just app as a GM becasue I wanna knock out some help to ppl.

5. When did you start playing wow? And when did you come to World of the Epic?

I start played wow like 2005, quited 2008.
and I came here to WOTE last week, Thx for a info from a friend.

6. How many hours a day you can play ?

It really diffrent, but now im playing like all from 5-8h/day can be more or less.

7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ?

If I get GM I will be on GM duty all the time when im online, becasue I will make and alt account thats get GM.

8. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers?

I have been on me and my brothers old wow server, didnt last long duh.
Then I played on a pay-for-GM server and I helped out that server alot, was on my way to get admin position there. but then its lay off.

8a. If so: names, positions, reasons for leaving, references.

Lul me and my memory, but its was someting like World of death or something. it was back in the days when 2.4.3 was new, But I still got my Commands update trought me and my brothers server. and another server I was like standin GM @.

9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?

I got the knowledge of being able to both help ppl out and get those suckers thats cheats out, but I will ofc start train up my skill asap.

10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if they need it. ?

Yeah you got me there. ofc I will use vent.

11. Do you have a problem with authority?

Can I have a problem with myself? (jk)
Ofc not, I always follow the rules and obey my duty.

12. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server?

Im happy, positive and really spreed happyness everywhere I go.

13. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? Explain.

I will ask him whats spells thats missing, then I will write them down, keep it until a admin comes online, and then I will explain the problem with that admin and after that I will talk to the player about who we gona solve it.

14. How many times have you voted for us?

7 times, more to come I can promise.

15. What is the most important part of being a GM?

To help and serve and also to prevent ppl from cheating and always be happy.

16. What do you enjoy most about WOW?

the social life that ppl that didnt know each other before can bound and be togthere even that they live 10000 miles away from eachother.

17. Say you see a hacker or someone tells you there is one whats your next move. What do you do? Explain.

I wil make me invisible, go there the "hacker" is, look it up, then report it to higher ranks, and then they can tell me to kick/ban or that they take the action in their hands.

How can we reach you about more info?

Just as simpel as that, nothing_88@live.se
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Syleassam   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 10:51 pm

Leaving me man? Lol we need your awasomeness, but hope you get accepted lol from what I've seen your nice (and can't win in a duel(but you can't any way once your a GM lol but we'll miss your dps on thorim lol
-your awasome Gm (guild master)(atm :/) Syleassam
Lol replied from my iPod Razz
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: !!   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 8:29 am

yay it was in color so I actually read it ! I like

Diavolo 255 Rogue Main!
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 1:40 pm

benorekko wrote:
Leaving me man? Lol we need your awasomeness, but hope you get accepted lol from what I've seen your nice (and can't win in a duel(but you can't any way once your a GM lol but we'll miss your dps on thorim lol
-your awasome Gm (guild master)(atm :/) Syleassam
Lol replied from my iPod Razz

Nopp dude, im not leaving, if I get GM I will make an alt account for the GM position. lul
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 1:41 pm

Alucard wrote:
yay it was in color so I actually read it ! I like

Diavolo 255 Rogue Main!

Yeah I know, man its a loss to not color the text to seperate the app questions and the answears.
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 3:17 pm

Honetsly dude you dont act like your 21 who really gives a shit if the fucking words are in color.
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Syleassam   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 9:18 pm

you said you'd be GM all the time your on lol so kind of are leaving us plus it will be differant when we group if your a gm lol
Also the color may catch the eyes of the reader and they'll be less bored ftw
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 11:23 pm

ryanbconn wrote:
Honetsly dude you dont act like your 21 who really gives a shit if the fucking words are in color.

its pretty easy you young child, its more catching to read something that not make you confussed or just a pain in the ass to look for where the question ends and where the answear starts, quite simpel, but it seems like you are not quite yet there to really be able to know what im talking about.
So yes I feel sorry for you, but just live with it, you might be there the next 10 years or so.

Last edited by PurpleAim on Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 11:25 pm

benorekko wrote:
you said you'd be GM all the time your on lol so kind of are leaving us plus it will be differant when we group if your a gm lol
Also the color may catch the eyes of the reader and they'll be less bored ftw

thats right dude, but I will still be on 2 accounts @ once, the GM account will always be one so if anyone need a GM they can get the help fast and easy and I can still go as a player to. pretty sweet :'D
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 6:18 am

are you serious are your eye lop sided or something, are you retarded cause when i read i can read from where it starts and ends, i can read everything perfectly fine, but i guess i feel srry for yooouu cause you are to fucking stupid to know how to read
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 6:58 am

heyyy guys come on, its just colored text! Some people like it, some people don't care for it.

Can we not have a flame war please?
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Raven Shade

Raven Shade

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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 8:25 am

Nice app purple /support ftw Very Happy
How did this turn into a fight about colored text?
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 4:12 pm

lol this guy thinks its fucking AMAZING to have colored text.
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 6:01 pm

This little fight better stop! you guys are acting like kids about this
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 8:30 pm

lol, yes i know who gives a shit about hte colors right
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 1:11 am

Raven Shade wrote:
Nice app purple /support ftw Very Happy
How did this turn into a fight about colored text?

lul yeah thx for the support dude, and it started becasue I gave him the tip to uses color instead of just using the normal color, but hey you cant please everbody
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 1:15 am

ryanbconn wrote:
are you serious are your eye lop sided or something, are you retarded cause when i read i can read from where it starts and ends, i can read everything perfectly fine, but i guess i feel srry for yooouu cause you are to fucking stupid to know how to read

Dude here is the truth for you, the one thats is retared is nobody, the on that is QQ about shit dont even belong in this thread that is you, I just freaking gave you a tip to color your text becaue is boring ass hell to be as everbody else, but then you losing it and start QQ about it here, dude if you want me something PM me instead.
But I quess you dont really know what your doing.
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-Here it is, my real Gm app. Empty
PostSubject: Re: -Here it is, my real Gm app.   -Here it is, my real Gm app. Icon_minitime

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