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 Sorry for posting again but my other app got into a whole other conversation.

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-09-20
Age : 30

Sorry for posting again but my other app got into a whole other conversation. Empty
PostSubject: Sorry for posting again but my other app got into a whole other conversation.   Sorry for posting again but my other app got into a whole other conversation. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 3:23 pm

1. What is your real name ?

Ryan Conn

2. How old are you ?

i was born Feb. 9, 1994 in United States, Tennessee. I lived in Florida for a while, so i definatly dont act like most Tennessee a**holes do.
For sure when you live in Florida for a year or two you will get to be relaxed and patient with everything.

3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST )

Central time.

4. What's your main character name? What position are you applying for?

My main character's name is Protectn, possibly Pallymaster. and i wouldl ove to be a gm.

5. When did you start playing wow? And when did you come to World of the Epic?

I have been playing wow for about two years, and NO LIE i promise you i have played on every server just about from 1-100 on the xtremetop100.com, i just make the accounts and i havent honestly found many that i like and actually play. Probably 5 counting this one as 6.
and i just joined this one Today on Sep. 20

6. How many hours a day you can play ?

about 4-5 hours

7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ?

everyday for about 4-5 hours and on the weekend i can play about 14-15 hours
so that is about 40-41 hours a week.

8. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers?

nope, i did play on some gm server that everyone is a gm but some (very few) commands are taken away like kick and ban people.
But i definatly will be a great gm, no messing stuff up, i am very pacient with people, and i will definitely bring more people to the server.

8a. If so: names, positions, reasons for leaving, references.

never been a gm.

9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?

i played on that gm server i told you abou in question 8 and messed around, i know quite a bit, and can learn them very fast.

10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if they need it. ?

Yes, i have it downloaded and a mic already.

11. Do you have a problem with authority?

No, absolutely not. I can do what i need to help run the server.

12. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server?

I will get lots of people to join, i will donate, i will help people with anything they need and for sure answer many tickets. I play alot everyday, and can work quick and with lots of people.

13. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? Explain.

If it was a bugged spell most likely but if it is a removed spell then absolutely no, but if they are being lazy and cant go to a Trainer probably not.

14. How many times have you voted for us?

Once, i just joined, but will definitely continue to to get the votes in every 12 hours

15. What is the most important part of being a GM?

Helping players and making sure the server is bug free and best for the players.

16. What do you enjoy most about WOW?

I love pretty much everything except bugs, i definitely will be looking for lots of bugs. But i love to run around and see the wow world, i have found many little places to get that are most likely never seen before. if you would want to go exploring send me mail in the game, Protectn.

17. Say you see a hacker or someone tells you there is one whats your next move. What do you do? Explain. Razz

Well if hes speeding through killing people and stuff through cities i would probably give him a 3 hour or 1 day ban. But if hes like speeding around the wow world i would probably first warning to stop and keep a very close eye on him.

Some aditional info

I love football, i have a fantasy draft on nfl.com, i would love to join urs if you have one. I love family guy, its the best show on tv, and the office. I like to play outside, i spend about 60 percent of my time outside, i go out when ever i can, i love to play wow ofcs, i love to chase chicks and hang out wiht friends. I have an xbox 360, my gamertag is DRUNK ASSASSINS. so add me if you have one, i play call of duty 5 all the time. So thats whats up, hit me up on xbox.
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