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 :) btknightz App

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-09-28

:) btknightz App Empty
PostSubject: :) btknightz App   :) btknightz App Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 5:51 pm

1. What is your real name ? Eric

2. How old are you ? 17

3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST ) EST

4. What's your main character name? What position are you applying for? Main is Starfire and I'm applying for GM on DoomHammer(EpicRealm)

5. When did you start playing wow? And when did you come to World of the Epic? I started playing WoW 3 years ago and I started playing Epic a few days after it came out Smile Ask Shane xD

6. How many hours a day you can play ? I play for about 8-9 hours a day and on the weekends at least 13-14 hours

7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ? About 69 - 70 hours a week.

8. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers? Yes

8a. If so: names, positions, reasons for leaving, references.
Undamed - Formal GM, server was going horribly and ran by owners and dev's that didn't speak English. Also ran the core set-up when they failed at patching to 3.2. You probably don't want a reference because the Admins didn't like me cause I knew more about their server then they did.

9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands? Know all commands

10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if they need it. ? Yes. I have vent installed on two computers and a working mic so I can pretty much be on whenever I'm needed.

11. Do you have a problem with authority? None at all

12. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server? Well, I know scripting, including C++ but I haven't done it in a while so that wouldn't be my best bet. I also am a kind, and open-minded person.

13. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? Explain. If a player asks for a spell, first I would ask for the name. Then I would check with a higher power or admin to see if the spell was disabled for a specific reason. If there is no reason why the spell shouldn't be taught, I would refer the player to the forums to make a post to see if it's an unknown bug that has not yet be posted or discovered

14. How many times have you voted for us? Everytime and I've also wasted a few vote points when I first came Sad lol

15. What is the most important part of being a GM? Helping out the players of the community and making sure that everyone has a healthy and safe playing environment. But most importantly making sure everyone is having a good time!

16. What do you enjoy most about WOW? WoW is just one of my vents. Keeps me off stuff that I shouldn't be doing, keeps my mind off things in RL, and also lets me connect with people from all over the country and/or world!

17. Say you see a hacker or someone tells you there is one whats your next move. What do you do? Explain. Razz Haha. If I see or hear about a hacker, first I go and make sure the player is hacking. If all things check out, I SS for proof, then ban for the required time.
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