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 Sincathus's App.

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2 posters


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-10-01
Age : 34
Location : Kentucky

Sincathus's App. Empty
PostSubject: Sincathus's App.   Sincathus's App. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 2:03 pm

1. What is your real name ?
My name is Chris

2. How old are you ?
I'm 20 years old

3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST )

4. What's your main character name? What position are you applying for?
My mains name is Sincathus, and im applying for Developer

5. When did you start playing wow? And when did you come to World of the Epic?
Ive been playing WoW for 3 years now, and i came to Epic today!

6. How many hours a day you can play ?

7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to Dev duty ?
At least 25 to 30 hours a week

8. Have you ever been a Dev on any other Private servers?
Yea Ive been Developer on Scapegaming/Eternion WoW/ WoWgasm/ Worldofthegods.

8a. If so: names, positions, reasons for leaving.
Name's listed above^^
I left scapegaming because donation money was not being spent on the server,
instead going into the owners pocket. Eternion's owner fired me after fixing and getting there server up and running.
WoWgasm i quit because of the lack of knowledge of the developing team.
Worldofthegods was owned by me after i Scripted most of the instance's,
fixed the bugs i gave it to a friend of mine.

9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?
Know them all!

10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and other GM's if they need it. ?
Indeed, I own a ventrilo Server

11. Do you have a problem with authority?
Not one bit

12. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server?
I know many different Programing languages, C++,C#,HTML,Java,JavaScript,Python,SQL,XML

13. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? Explain.
Well first i would go about asking a Admin if I'm aloud to teach it, if so then i would.

14. How many times have you voted for us?
Ive voted 1 sense I started today.

15. What is the most important part of being a Dev?
Helping make the server a better place, helping to make to make a
better experience for players.

16. What do you enjoy most about WoW?
Everything..i love it

17. Say you see a hacker or someone tells you there is one whats your next move. What do you do? Explain.
First i would appear at the player to see if there hacking, if so i would go about banning the player, or telling a admin


WinGet, wowid, list, World of Warcraft

KeyWait, 1, D
ControlSend,, 1 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, h , ahk_id %wowid2% ; assist macro /target Party1 /assist
Sleep, 500
ControlSend,, 1 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 2, D
ControlSend,, 2 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 2 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 3, D
ControlSend,, 3 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 3 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 4, D
ControlSend,, 4 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 4 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 5, D
ControlSend,, 5 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 5 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 6, D
ControlSend,, 6 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 6 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 7, D
ControlSend,, 7 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 7 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 9, D
ControlSend,, 9 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 9 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, 0, D
ControlSend,, 0 , ahk_id %wowid1%
ControlSend,, 0 , ahk_id %wowid2%


KeyWait, e, D ; follow
ControlSend,, - , ahk_id %wowid2% ; Keybinding a macro to a button with macro /follow Party1


KeyWait, Numpad8, D ; stop
ControlSend,, s , ahk_id %wowid2%


Numpad0:: ; jump
KeyWait, Numpad0, D
ControlSend,, = , ahk_id %wowid2% ; keybindings set = to jump


Last edited by Sincathus on Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-09-10
Location : On the run

Sincathus's App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sincathus's App.   Sincathus's App. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 02, 2009 6:59 pm

haiii I played on eternion! But I didn't like it much so I left ;p

anywaaaays good luck with your app Chris!
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