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 GM application

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Join date : 2009-09-14

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PostSubject: GM application   GM application Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 2:48 am

What is your in game name?


How long did you play retail WoW? Do you still?:

Since beta,yes. Have a 80 Paladin, 80 Warrior,plus others.

do you got GM addons and do you know how to work with it?:

Not at the moment, but I know how to use them if I would ever happen to need them. I answer tickets manually most of the time.

What do you think the most important responsibility of being a GM is?:

Providing a stable, comfortable environment for users/players.

What interests you most about the GM position?:

Opportunity to be somebody to look to for help.

did you ever worked on a mall:

name: Booty Bay Mall
information: Countless vendors to buy gear from, as there was no "Free" gear on the server, except starting gear.
extra information:
did the players like it?: Yes, but it was too busy (laggy)

How much time each day do you spend on WoW?:


Where do you live?


How old are u?


Do u have experience being an gm?

yes... i got 2 year experience and i have been gm on many servers

which servers have you worked as a GM?

Palmwow,sinisterwow,eternionwow,world of nick,...

Real life name: Henke

how do we contact you?:

MSN: Boolovhenke@hotmail.com

skype: DAMN7200

How long have u been a GM in wow?

about when TBC was

Which realm would you like to be a GM on?

so i could play with a friend

i know how to use database if it helps.

do u like world of live server?:

ofc! i love it.... i'm a wol addict

do u use flash chat?

yes almost all the time

Tell us something about yourself:

well i like to play computer and playstation 3 games and my hobbys are airsofting,tennis and sometimes i play basketball with my friends. I'm happy person and i like to help ppl. My favorite tv program is simpsons.

do u know how to make custom items?:

wow-v, i have some cool weapon display ids hehe.

do u know something about scripting:?

well yes'!

What contributions do have you already made towards world of epic & the community?:

I have seen and reported every hacker i have ever seen on this server and i my self have never hacked on this server in my life.

what could you do as GM?:

-Read tickets
-build houses for donors,custom citys, and other things
-host events
-help players
-catch hackers
-solve things out
-make custom items
And much much more

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Posts : 25
Join date : 2009-08-31

GM application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM application   GM application Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 7:48 pm

Please use our format for your
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