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 Honey GM Application

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Join date : 2009-09-18

Honey GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Honey GM Application   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 2:52 am

1. What is your real name ? Tina Simikic
2. How old are you ? I'm 17 years old
3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST ) GMT+0,Central Europe

4. What's your main character name?What position are you applying for?

My main character name is Honey.

5. When did you start playing wow? And when did you come to World of the Epic?

I playing wow 5 years.And i today come on world of the epic wow.

6. How many hours a day you can play ?

Every day 5-6 hours

7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ?

50-60 hours..

8. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers?


8a. If so: names, positions, reasons for leaving, references.

WoWdetailed,Fantasy wow,power wow.
Reson for leaving: Servers is down.
I'm now Developer on WoWLegacy.
I dont have a lot job there and i wanna apply on world of epic wow.
My nickname there is: honey92.

9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?

Yes.I know all commands for all cores (mangos,arcemu,ascent..)

10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if they need it. ?

No,because i dont have microphone.

11. Do you have a problem with authority?

No I do not have problems with authority, becouse i respect and listen

my superiors. I belive that without authority world would be in chaos..

So for me authority is ''VERY'' important.

12. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server?

Well..I am skilled gamer..I play WoW since

it was released also I played on Blizzard servers..My GM expirience

is significant. While I was passing through different phases of my life

I learned alot.. wah.. mostly from mistakes .... I'm a grown woman

now:) My qualities are that I am very reliable person, also I am patient

(but i won't wait like ..to eternity), Honest and courageous person. I'll

fight till my last breath for the ones I love!

I want to reveal as many bugs as i can so we can make World of Epic more

similar to blizzard without bugs and glitches.

I love answering tickets.. communicating with other..I just enjoy being

on my duty as a GM.

13. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? Explain.

I will tell him: I'm not allowed to learn spells.
I first need contact Admin,because we are not allowed learning spells.

14. How many times have you voted for us?

Today i join... i vote 1 time Very Happy.

15. What is the most important part of being a GM?

Well, i would say that the answer is simple: To help

players and do anything thats in my powers

and not against to rules so they have a

great time playing and keep the server hack and cheat free.

Answering tickets! Keeping server bugless..

Guide and help players as much as i can!!

16. What do you enjoy most about WOW?

Making World of the Epic the best it can be.
Beeing helpfull and nice person.

17. Say you see a hacker or someone tells you there is one whats your next move. What do you do? Explain. Razz

I would take a screenshot, remember his name and inform the GM's online and the Admin.

I would use .invisible and observe the suspected hacker for a minute or two so i dont

make a mistake and ban a innocent player who was having a good time on World of the Epic.

Thank you for reading my application.

Contact: honey-2210@hotmail.com
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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-09-17
Age : 36
Location : Swedeeeeeeeen.

Honey GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey GM Application   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 4:54 am

Really nice app for the GMs post, but there is things thats make me a bit confused.

"7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ?

50-60 hours.."

Who in hell can you be able to spend about 8-9h/day
to be online as a GM?

"10. Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if they need it. ?

No,because i dont have microphone."

Well, you gotta have vent to get your duty of the day by the admins ect. so just download vent and install it, that you dont have a mic isent anything, you need to be able to get online at vent.
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Honey GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey GM Application   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 6:32 am

Quote :
"7. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ?

50-60 hours.."

Who in hell can you be able to spend about 8-9h/day
to be online as a GM?

I think she probably just did quick math in her head and made a mistake. And if she's anything like me, trying to do math with numbers that involve more than 10 fingers, things go horribly wrong Razz

Good luck with your app Honey! Very Happy
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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-09-17
Age : 36
Location : Swedeeeeeeeen.

Honey GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honey GM Application   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 6:39 am

kykysha wrote:
I think she probably just did quick math in her head and made a mistake. And if she's anything like me, trying to do math with numbers that involve more than 10 fingers, things go horribly wrong Razz

Good luck with your app Honey! Very Happy

lul word on that for me to, or I hate math thats is forcing on to me.
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Join date : 2009-09-18

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PostSubject: honey   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 10:51 am

Thank you for comment on my post. Smile
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2009-09-14

Honey GM Application Empty
PostSubject: !!   Honey GM Application Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 10:37 am

Nice App
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PostSubject: Re: Honey GM Application   Honey GM Application Icon_minitime

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