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 Minichez's Gm application

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Join date : 2009-10-10

Minichez's Gm application Empty
PostSubject: Minichez's Gm application   Minichez's Gm application Icon_minitimeSat Oct 10, 2009 6:21 am

Name: Sam Lewis

Age: 18

Location: England

Time zone: GMT

Why do you want to be a GM? I would like to be a GM because I would love to help out all the other players on this server to have the best possible gaming experience.

How do you think you can aid this server? I can stop abusive players and I can answer any questions / tickets to a degree where they understand and won’t clog up the server by continually posting.

How many hours a day/week can you help the staff? Defiantly 4 or 5 hours a day AT LEAST.

Do you know any of the staff at this time? No I don’t but I would like to.

What kind of experience have you had with GMing? I have been a GM for the old Evolution wow server and also Chaos crusade when it was around, execution wow and many more. This means I am familiar with the majority of GM commands for an arc emu core and mangos.

What are your computer skills? My computer skills are not exceptional but I like to think of myself as talented with a computer, and I’m in the process of trying to learn how to script.

Explain in your own words what being a GM means, what being a GM means that you are fully devoted to helping other players ahead of your own game play because the more people who are satisfied with the server and are happy with staff the more people they could recommend to join our server, also to be tough but fair and not selfish.

Do you like to help people? I love helping people because on a server where the players don’t know how to play and are having problems, can make any other players gaming less enjoyable and so too the GM’s, so helping would eradicate any ‘noobs’ as they say and make everyone’s gaming experience much better.

I am willing to devote the majority of my time to this server.

Thank you for reading, I hope you like my app

I used this format instead of the required one because it has made me able to become a Gm on many different servers and I have never changed it Smile
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